Gift and Donation Policy
The Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library welcomes gifts of books, journals, maps, CDs and items in other formats that support the research and teaching programs of the university. Upon receipt, all gift materials become the property of the library. The donation/gift will be handled responsibly and with care. Each item will be evaluated by highly trained librarians for addition to our holdings.
While all gifts are appreciated, the library can accept and retain only those items that are within the scope of our collection development policy, that meet the same criteria as items considered for purchase and that are in good physical condition. The library reserves the right to determine retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to the use and disposition of gifts. The donor is required to sign a consent form to this effect.
The library is committed to providing socially and environmentally responsible disposition of materials not needed for our collection. Whenever possible, we share or trade useful surplus gift materials with other libraries or educational and cultural institutions, or they are distributed freely to our users and sometimes, sold or recycled. Proceeds from the sale of unwanted materials may be used to purchase new materials for the University of Haifa Library collection.
Gift Acknowledgment
A letter of acknowledgement is sent by mail or email to the donor by the Gifts & Exchange Librarian to confirm receipt of the gift. This acknowledgment includes the name of the donor and a brief description of the gift.
Tax Deduction
Your gift to the library is tax deductible. Upon request, the library will ensure that a letter is furnished to this effect.
Donor Appreciation
The library honors donors in the following ways:
- The donor’s name is recorded in the library’s catalog for each item added to our collection.
- At the donor’s request, a bookplate (Ex Libris) with the desired text is placed in items added to the collection.
- Donors of large or rare collections are listed on the Friends of the Library (link) website with a description of the donor and the collection.
- Donors of monetary gifts of $5000 or more are listed on the Friends of the Library (link) website with a description of the collection or project supported by the donation.
For questions or further information please contact:
Levenberg Yardena,
Head of Technical Services Branch
Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library
Haifa, Israel 31905
Tel: +972-4-8240296
Fax: +972-4-8249170